"Wake up" and get what they want-and then? | Victor Davis Hansen | The Las Vegas Review

2021-12-14 14:25:18 By : Mr. Victor Yuan

The "Wake Up" campaign became dizzy after January 20, 2021. The left controls both houses of Congress. Joe Biden (Joe Biden) was chosen as the necessary veneer of the Democratic norm in the 1980s to advance the otherwise difficult left-wing agenda.

The "Wake Up" campaign became dizzy after January 20, 2021. The left controls both houses of Congress. Joe Biden (Joe Biden) was chosen as the necessary veneer of the Democratic norm in the 1980s to advance the otherwise difficult left-wing agenda.

All major cultural, financial, economic, entertainment, and media organizations are witnessing not only the defeat of former President Donald Trump, but also the different roles played in the two impeachment processes. After the riots in the Capitol on January 6, he was regarded as an unwelcome person.

Therefore, academia, corporate boards, Hollywood, media, the Pentagon, professional sports teams, Silicon Valley, and Wall Street have all boarded the awakening train in a nearly hysterical manner. Everyone boasted that they could find "white anger" and hire a large number of "diversified, fair and tolerant" czars.

Critical racial theory will become the mainstream, and racism and discrimination will be eliminated by embracing racism and discrimination.

"Crime" is now mainly regarded as a structure created by the elite to protect their privileges, privileges, and property. Shoplifting, robbery and street brutality are just part of ordinary city life. "Social justice fighters" can replace underfunded police officers. Most policies of bail, imprisonment, compulsory imprisonment, intercept and search, and broken window deterrence are gone forever.

The leftists hope that the green agenda can fundamentally change the United States and immediately stop man-made "climate change." As a result, many oil and gas leases have either been cancelled or their costs have increased significantly. The pipeline is stopped. Gas and oil companies have been warned that everything from lack of funds to new regulations will quickly bankrupt them. The golden age of wind energy and batteries has come.

Modern monetary theorists assure us that printing money will “spread wealth” and devalue the cash of worthless capitalists who have too much cash. They believe that printing more cash will plant it in the hands of the poor who unfairly own too little.

They hope that this will be a good thing as inflation ensues, a sign of a new empowerment that has long denied "fairness" and a strong consumer class.

The COVID is almost over. President Joe Biden assured us that Trump killed more than 350,000 Americans with his loose health policies. In contrast, Biden will soberly vaccinate us all, claiming that the efficacy of the vaccine is his own. He predicted that the virus will be defeated on July 4. The delta variant was still just an obscure rumor from abroad.

The border will be open-and remain open. There are no more walls. As citizens of the world, the left welcomes 2 million immigrants who arrived illegally during the pandemic without being audited or vaccinated.

As the frightened old Liberal Democrats were awakened, all the ancient wisdom about human nature disappeared. Forget that criminals do the most damage to the poor. Abandon Martin Luther King Jr.'s weird idea that our personality, not our skin color, determines who we are. Ignore the outdated idea that inflation is eroding working-class wages.

We can always restore isolation, blockade, and closure. These have made Amazon, Target, Wal-Mart, and other corporate groups hundreds of billions of dollars in profits, while husband and wife small businesses have gone bankrupt.

So, what conclusions have people come to 10 months after waking up and fulfilling their wishes?

Opinion polls show that voters don't like open borders at all. They oppose illegal immigration just like they support legal immigration. They worry about crime and drugs. They don’t want uncensored and unvaccinated people to flow across their borders.

People want cheaper gasoline, not more expensive gasoline. They prefer the energy self-sufficiency of the United States. Why do you have a cup in your hand to beg Saudi Arabia and Russia to pump more oil that is said to be Satan?

People like the police and hate crime. Even the awakening rich are now scared-some of them are spreading the wind of decriminalization, and they themselves are harvesting the whirlwind of crime.

Most voters don't care much about our skin color, but are more concerned about our character. They believe that elite politics, rather than quotas and tribal chauvinism, explains the extraordinary standard of living in the United States.

They despise inflation as much as a recession, and worry that they may now have both.

Freedom-lovers don’t like the abolition of culture, exclusion, anti-tradition, Trotskyization, and political commissars. They prefer freedom of speech and cherish the bill of rights.

So in just 10 months, the leftist got what it wanted. People are not only bored with what happened next, but also disgusted. They fear that the left is not only failing, but also destroying the country and them.

People are getting more and more angry with the arrogant and now unpopular left, which leaves us with a motto. Our understanding of ancient warnings is different, such as "hard-won", "grow melons", "be careful of your wishes" and "unexpected consequences".

Words such as "nemesis" and "karma" also come to mind. But for the collapse of the call to wake up, perhaps we can say, "This can't happen to a better group of fanatics."

Victor Davis Hanson (Victor Davis Hanson) is a classicist and historian at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. He is also a "World War II: How the First Global Conflict Fought" in Basic Books. And the author of the book "Winning". Contact via authorvdh@gmail.com.

In a recent online communication, YouTuber Casey Neistat expressed his anger after his car was broken into and stolen. He scolded that Los Angeles was becoming a "third world city."

No one knows what the consequences will be.

The grinding discs of the gods grind late, but they grind fine.

"Noble lies" are rarely fabricated for the benefit of anyone other than the liar himself.

Instead, start with the idea that what most Americans see is pure ruins, not what the left-wing puppets see.

The probability of a national model being proved to be unsustainable and collapse is far greater than the possibility of a civil war in any region.

Some elites believe that the founder’s constitution urgently needs to be completely deleted and revised to fit their own utopian vision.

The zero-year revolution that we awoke has now entered its second year.

Longing for peace? Then prepare for the war. Or, the Romans believed.

California was once governed by conservatives and mainly centrist Democrats.

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