"Prepare for the worst": Miami reflects 30 years after Hurricane Andrew - Axios Miami

2022-08-27 14:21:40 By : Mr. Alvin Qing

Axios Miami is an Axios company.

Thirty years ago this week, Hurricane Andrew touched down in South Dade and changed Miami forever.

Fast forward: In the aftermath, local leaders created a new building code in South Florida, using lessons from Hurricane Andrew to better withstand monster storms. The post-Andrew code requires that new buildings have impact windows or shutters and bans the use of cheaper materials like particle board, the South Florida Sun- Sentinel reports.

Plus: Hurricane forecasting has also advanced since Andrew hit, according to the National Hurricane Center.

Yes, but: Despite improvements, economists told the Sentinel that we aren't exactly in the clear.

What they're saying: Fox Weather hurricane specialist Bryan Norcross, who famously broadcasted for 23 hours straight during the storm, tells Axios that Andrew taught him to prepare for the worst.

Go deeper with the Sun-Sentinel – and catch Norcross anchor a broadcast special on Hurricane Andrew streaming live online at 10pm on Tuesday and Wednesday on Fox Weather.

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